If there is something you are wondering about, you are welcome to contact us via the social media links below or send us an email to info@gadip.se
Video: Conflict in the Middle East – How Can Women Contribute to the Peace Process?
Read the article here: Webinar and video: Conflict in the Middle East – How Can Women Contribute to the Peace Process?
Latest News
Webinar: “Voices of (anti-war) feminists from Russia today”
Join us on 21 June 5 PM -7 PM (CET) to listen to the activists’ stories, and their experiences!
WEBINAR: A Gender Just Trade Policy and the EU-Mercosur Agreement
April 21, 17:00 CET. This webinar organized by WIDE+ and the Gender Trade Coalition, in collaboration with Seattle2Brussels, will reflect what a gender just trade policy would entail for the EU-Mercosur agreement and where it falls short. To register for the webinar and for more information, click the link below.
The Withdrawal of Turkey from the Istanbul Convention: Urgent Appeal to the Council of Europe – EŞİK – March 20th
EŞİK – The Women’s Platform for Equality Turkey, urges the Council of Europe to look into the process and to investigate the legality of this act as well as its implications regarding international law.
Välkommen på Konferensen Gender Backlash 3!
Fredag den 29 april bjuder vi in till en konferens på Mötesplatsen Göteborg (Södra Allégatan 1B). Vi bjuder på lunch of fika från Café au Thé! Möjlighet för att delta online finns.
Welcome to the online events: “Violence, Resistance and the State: women in Belarus”
15 & 16 March 2022, in English