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Video: Conflict in the Middle East – How Can Women Contribute to the Peace Process?
Read the article here: Webinar and video: Conflict in the Middle East – How Can Women Contribute to the Peace Process?
Latest News
Inbjudan till workshop 27 oktober 2017
GADIP Gender and Development in Practice Brev till potentiella deltagare i Workshop den 27/10 Kvinnor i diaspora tar sitt liv i egna händer. Vill du och din förening bidra med era erfarenheter i en workshop om ert arbete med kvinnliga flyktingar och migranters möte med det svenska samhället? Jag […]
The European Economic Crisis and its Consequences for Women
GADIP International Conference: The European Economic Crisis and its Consequences for Women, 20-21 March 2014, Sweden Conference organised by the network Gender and Development in Practice (GADIP) and the University of Gothenburg. This report reflects the main ideas and discussions from the conference, trying to remain as loyal as […]
Report: “Gender, Refugees and Security”, GADIP (2016)
The conference took place in Gothenburg, on Oct. 21-22, 2016. Download the report (PDF format, english): rapportgendersrefugeeandsecurity Soon, videos of the speakers will be uploaded on our Youtube channel.
Report: “Beijing+20” GADIP (2015)
This conference took place in Gothenburg, on 21-22 Nov. 2015. Download the report here: 1574109_reportbeijing
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